Management Philosophy

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사이트 내 전체검색
Enhance international competitiveness through creativity and innovation.
Ensure top-tier quality by considering the unique characteristics of each product.
Drive customer satisfaction through ongoing development.
Improve the quality of life for our employees.

Ethical Management

S&K Aviation Co., Ltd. practices transparent management in compliance with ethical regulations and guidelines, as well as laws prohibiting bribery and corruption.


I will perform my duties transparently and fairly, striving to create a culture of trust and communication.


I will maintain fair trade relations and will not engage in bribery or corrupt practices.


I will reject unfair offers or corrupt practices during the course of my duties.


I will adhere to principles and standards, uphold the dignity of S&K employees, and refrain from any actions that go against the company's vision and interests.


1 Consent to the Collection and Use of Personal Information

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and related laws, we provide prior notice to the informant and obtain consent for the collection and use of personal information.

Only the minimum personal information required for verifying the facts of the report, inquiries, and responses will be collected.
The collected information will not be used for purposes other than those specified. Any changes in the purpose of collection will be notified in advance and consent obtained.

- Optional: Name, Email, Company, Phone Number
- Automatically Collected: IP, Cookies (Cookie)

※ You have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information. Reports can still be submitted without consent, but additional verification may be required, which could extend processing time.

In principle, personal information is destroyed without delay once the purpose of collection or provision is achieved. However, it will be retained for approximately one year as a reference for report processing, monitoring, and maintenance. If required by laws such as the Commercial Act, your personal information may be retained beyond this period.

I have read and agree to the above collection and use of personal information.

2 Report Information

The identity of the informant is kept confidential. Anonymous reports are possible, but leaving contact details will aid in a more accurate investigation. Results will be provided via phone or email as soon as possible.
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